How Can CBT Help My Anxiety Or Depression?

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is an effective, short to medium term psychological treatment for mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are conditions that change the way we think and behave. So, as the name suggests, CBT targets the ‘cognitions’, which are the thoughts, and the ‘behaviours’, which are the things we do, that can keep anxiety and depression, going.
People living with anxiety and depression often have negative and worried thoughts. These thoughts can make us stop doing the pleasurable, social, or productive things that normally make us feel better. And, even when we are doing these things, anxiety and depression make it really hard to enjoy them. People can also begin avoiding situations, activities or places that provoke anxiety or they find them more unbearable than they were before. Not being able to enjoy life makes the negative thoughts worse and makes people retreat even more, which makes it harder to enjoy life. As you can see it results in a pretty vicious cycle.
How CBT Can Help Break The Cycle
Some people with anxiety or depression say that they can feel helpless and stuck in this vicious cycle, unsure of what to do. CBT is designed to give you practical tools for breaking out of this vicious cycle.
Some examples of core CBT skills for anxiety and depression include:
- learning how to gradually face the things people fear or avoid.
- incorporating more enjoyable and achievement based activities into day to day life.
- Gaining better control of worries and negative thoughts.
- Challenging thoughts to make them more helpful and realistic.
- Improving lifestyle factors such as diet, sleep and exercise.
Other CBT skills, like problem solving or self-care, are also useful for adjusting to change or coping with stressful life events.
Does CBT Work For Anxiety and Depression?
Decades of scientific research has shown that CBT is an effective treatment for many mental health issues, especially anxiety and depression.
CBT skills are learned through practice. People who continue to use CBT skills after finishing therapy can make lasting and meaningful improvements to their quality of life.
THIS WAY UP’s online programs use CBT (known as iCBT) and our research has shown that 80% of people who have completed their program feel that their mental health significantly improved, 50% to the point of no longer being troubled by anxiety or depression. Other research has found that the benefits of iCBT last longer than medication and it is well documented that iCBT is just as effective as face-to-face CBT. Moreover, iCBT can be combined with prescribed medications and can also be used alongside traditional face to face CBT.
How can I access CBT?
CBT is generally an accessible form of therapy. There are two main ways to access CBT – either face-to-face (1:1 or in a group, in-person or online via telehealth) or as a self-guided online program (you may see this referred to as iCBT, computerised (cCBT) or eCBT.)
The advantage of iCBT is that it is convenient, easily accessible, structured and low cost. The advantage of face to face CBT is that help from a therapist means that more guidance can be given on applying the skills to individual circumstances.
iCBT has the same principles as CBT – it teaches people practical skills to change the unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that maintain their symptoms and worsen their mental health. In Australia, if you want to access individual or group CBT, you can ask your doctor for a referral to a clinician trained in CBT such as a clinical psychologist, contact a CBT therapist directly, or enrol in one of our online CBT programs at THIS WAY UP.
CBT… Easy as 1,2,3?
The reality is for CBT to work it does take practice. You will have to put in the hard work. It will involve identifying and changing things that haven’t been working for you. Every day you will practice making changes in your thinking and behaviour, which may initially seem unfamiliar, or even uncomfortable as you push yourself to do things you wouldn’t normally do. But with practice, the skills become easier, they will feel more natural and you will start to notice positive changes.
CBT won’t stop you from having negative thoughts, down days or from ever feeling anxious. After all, you’re human. But, these can lessen as CBT gives you the tools to think in more balanced ways, confront the scary things you’ve been avoiding, and to dig your way out of life’s inevitable dark wells, so that you can live a more satisfying and meaningful life.
Take a look at our 18 evidence-based CBT programs: go to THIS WAY UP or use our Take a Test Tool if you’re unsure of how you are feeling.
Not Sure which program is for you?
Take a Test to Help You Choose a Program
If you’re unsure which program to pick, take our anonymous online test to check how you feel and see which program may be suitable. This test will show you your levels of stress, anxiety, or depression and will make suggestions on what you can do next.