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How to Launch your Fresh Start

launch your fresh start in 2023

Each new year presents an opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings. Many of us will start the year by setting goals or making lifestyle changes. It’s easiest to create and stick to new habits and behaviours at natural transition points that signal the start of a new period of time. This is known as the ‘fresh start effect.’ 

The research tells us that implementing changes during a transition point like a new year, a new season or a milestone increases the likelihood of success in making these changes stick. This is because a new point of time can signal a “clean slate”, where we can leave unhelpful patterns behind. We can attribute unhelpful behaviours to our past rather than current selves, therefore motivating us to create lasting change.  

Any Day is a Good Day to Reset

It’s reassuring to remember that the new year isn’t the only opportunity to harness the fresh start effect. Any natural transition point – be it the changing of seasons, a birthday, a new month or even the start of a new week – can represent a fresh start. This means that if you are finding it difficult to achieve the goals you have set out for the new year, you can simply find another transition point during the year to revisit these goals and try again.

It’s never too late to start over. You can use the motivation that comes with a fresh start to help yourself make changes that will improve how you feel. 

As the new year begins, we encourage you to take advantage of the fresh start effect.

What new beginnings would you like to explore?  

how to set smart goals

Keep in mind that it’s important to set goals that are realistic and achievable – in other words, “SMART” goals. SMART goals are: 

  • Specific, rather than broad or general 
  • Measurable, meaning there is an endpoint to signal that you have reached the goal 
  • Achievable, given that setting too high a goal means that we may lose motivation and be less likely to succeed  
  • Relevant, meaning that the goal is personally meaningful and important to you 
  • Time-based, meaning that there is a certain timeframe within which you want to achieve the goal 

For more tips on how to set healthy goals, check out our blog: How to make healthy new year’s goals that last. 

If you would like to take advantage of the fresh start effect to prioritise your mental health, one action that you can take is to enrol in one of our online treatment programs. The programs teach practical skills to help improve how you feel today. You can browse our range of mental health and wellbeing programs here.   


Not Sure which program is for you?

Take a Test to Help You Choose a Program

If you’re unsure which program to pick, take our anonymous online test to check how you feel and see which program may be suitable. This test will show you your levels of stress, anxiety, or depression and will make suggestions on what you can do next.

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