

Check out the research behind our programs and see which current studies are open for recruitment.

Evidence For Our Programs

Before our depression and anxiety treatment programs are released through THIS WAY UP, they are rigorously tested by our research unit, Virtual Clinic. We have treated over 1,400 patients in Virtual Clinic, using versions of the depression, panic, social phobia, GAD, and transdiagnostic programs, and have found that the programs significantly reduce anxiety and depression.

THIS WAY UP is the platform through which we make the research-based programs and our free, evidence-based programs available. As of July 2023, we have had more than 36,726 clinicians and more than 217,921 patients enrolled in THIS WAY UP.

The degree of benefit gained from THIS WAY UP depends on the level to which people immerse themselves in the programs, and on how much they practice what they learn in each lesson. Three out of four people complete all the lessons, and three out of four who complete are no longer troubled by their emotional disorder. Nine out of ten say they are satisfied. Internationally, our programs are among the strongest presently available for these conditions.

Published Research Papers

Please find a listing below of the research papers that have been published in peer reviewed journals. For the complete list, please visit our CRUfAD website.

A tale of two countries: Increased uptake of digital mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia and New Zealand. Mahoney, A. E., Elders, A., Li, I., David, C., Haskelberg, H., Guiney, H., & Millard, M. (2021). Internet Interventions25, 100439.

Available at:

Comorbid personality difficulties are not associated with poorer outcomes for online cognitive behaviour therapy for symptoms of anxiety and depression. Mahoney, A. E., Haskelberg, H., Mason, E., Millard, M., & Newby, J. Personality and Mental Health, 2021,  15(3), 173-185.

Available at:

Randomised controlled trial of internet‐delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for clinical depression and/or anxiety in cancer survivors (iCanADAPT Early). Murphy, M. J., Newby, J. M., Butow, P., Loughnan, S. A., Joubert, A. E., Kirsten, L., … & Andrews, G. Psycho‐Oncology. 2019.

Available at:

Adherence as a determinant of effectiveness of internet cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety and depressive disorders. Hilvert-Bruce Z, Rossouw PJ, Wong N, Sunderland M, Andrews G. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2012, 50(7-8): 463-468.

Available at:

Investigating trajectories of change in psychological distress amongst patients with depression and generalised anxiety disorder treated with internet cognitive behavioural therapy. Sunderland M, Wong N, Hilvert-Bruce Z, Andrews G Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2012, 50(6): 374-380.

Available at:

Is Internet treatment ready for prime time? Andrews G, Titov N. MJA 2010; 192 (11): S45-S47.

Available at:

Characteristics of adults with anxiety or depression treated at an Internet clinic: Comparison with a national survey and an outpatient clinic. Titov N, Andrews G, Kemp A, Robinson E. PLoS ONE 2010, 5(5): e10885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010885.

Available at:

Hit and Miss: Innovation and dissemination of evidence based psychological treatments. Andrews G, Titov N. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2009; 47:974-979.

Available at:

The uptake and effectiveness of online cognitive behaviour therapy for symptoms of anxiety and depression during COVID-19. Mahoney, A., Li, I., Haskelberg, H., Millard, M., & Newby, J. M. (2021).  Journal of Affective Disorders292, 197-203.

Available at:

A clinical audit of changes in suicide ideas with internet treatment for depression. Watts S, Newby J, Mewton L, Andrews G. British Medical Journal Open. 2012 2: e001558.

Available at:

Internet treatment for depression: A randomized controlled trial comparing clinician vs. technician assistance. Titov N, Andrews G, Davies M, McIntyre K, Robinson E, Solley K. PLoS ONE 2010, 5(6): e10939. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010939.

Available at:

Clinician-assisted Internet-based treatment is effective for depression: A randomized controlled trial. Perini S, Titov N, Andrews G. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. (2009). 43(6): 571-578.

Available at:

The Climate Sadness program: an open trial of Internet-based treatment for depression. Perini S, Titov N, Andrews G. Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology 2008; 4(2).

Available at:

Online cognitive behaviour therapy for maternal antenatal and postnatal anxiety and depression in routine care. Mahoney, A., Shiner, C. T., Grierson, A. B., Sharrock, M. J., Loughnan, S. A., Harrison, V., & Millard, M. (2023).  Journal of Affective Disorders, 338, 121-128.

Available at:

The uptake and outcomes of Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for health anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sharrock, M. J., Mahoney, A. E., Haskelberg, H., Millard, M., & Newby, J. M. (2021).  Journal of Anxiety Disorders84, 102494.

Available at:

Managing rumination and worry: A pilot study of an internet intervention targeting repetitive negative thinking in Australian adults. Joubert, A. E., Grierson, A. B., Chen, A. Z., Moulds, M. L., Werner-Seidler, A., Mahoney, A. E., & Newby, J. M. (2021). Journal of Affective Disorders294, 483-490.

Available at:

The effectiveness of internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for health anxiety in routine care. Newby, J. M., Haskelberg, H., Hobbs, M. J., Mahoney, A. E., Mason, E., & Andrews, G. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2019.

Available at:

The impact of internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for health anxiety on cyberchondria. Newby, J. M., & McElroy, E. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 102150. 2019.

Available at:

Transdiagnostic Internet treatment for anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial. Titov N, Andrews G, Johnston L, Robinson E, Spence J. Behaviour Research and Therapy 2010. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2010.05.014

Available at:

Effectiveness of transdiagnostic internet cognitive behavioural treatment for mixed anxiety and depression in primary care. Newby JM, Mewton L, Williams AD, Andrews G. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2014, 165: 45-52.

Available at:

Internet cognitive behavioural therapy for mixed anxiety and depression: a randomized controlled trial and evidence of effectiveness in primary care. Newby JM, Mackenzie A, Williams AD, Mcintyre K, Watts S, Wong N, Andrews G. 2013, 43(12): 2635-2648.

Available at:

The uptake and effectiveness of online cognitive behaviour therapy for symptoms of anxiety and depression during COVID-19. Mahoney, A., Li, I., Haskelberg, H., Millard, M., & Newby, J. M. (2021).  Journal of Affective Disorders292, 197-203.

Available at:

The effectiveness of internet cognitive behavioural therapy for generalised anxiety disorder in clinical practice. Mewton L, Wong N, Andrews G Depression and Anxiety. 2012, 29(10): 843-849.

Available at:

Internet treatment for generalized anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial comparing clinician vs. technician assistance. Robinson E, Titov N, Andrews G, McIntyre K, Schwencke G, Solley K. PLoS ONE 2010, 5(6): e10942. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010942.

Available at:

Clinician-assisted internet treatment is effective for generalized anxiety disorder: randomized controlled trial. Titov N, Andrews G, Robinson E, Schwencke G, Johnston L, Solley K, Choi I. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2009, 43:10, 905-912.

Available at:

Internet-delivered exposure therapy versus internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Stech, E. P., Chen, A. Z., Sharrock, M. J., Grierson, A. B., Upton, E. L., Mahoney, A. E., … & Newby, J. M. (2021).  Journal of Anxiety Disorders79, 102382.

Available at:

Intensive one-week internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder and agoraphobia: A pilot study. Stech, E. P., Grierson, A. B., Chen, A. Z., Sharrock, M. J., Mahoney, A. E., & Newby, J. M. (2020).  Internet Interventions20, 100315.

Available at:

Allen AR, Newby JM, Mackenzie A, Smith J, Boulton M, Loughnan SA, Andrews G. Internet cognitive behavioural treatment for panic disorder: a randomised controlled trial and evidence of effectiveness in primary care. British Journal of Psychiatry Open. 2016; 2: 154-162.

Available at:

Clinician-assisted Internet-based treatment is effective for panic: A randomized controlled trial. Wims E, Titov N, Andrews G, Choi I. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 44:599-607.

Available at:

The Climate Panic program: an open trial of Internet-based treatment for panic disorder. Wims E, Titov N, Andrews G. Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology 2008; 4(2).

Available at:

A pilot study of intensive 7-day internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder. Jain, N., Stech, E., Grierson, A. B., Sharrock, M. J., Li, I., Mahoney, A. E., & Newby, J. M. (2021). Journal of Anxiety Disorders84, 102473.

Available at:

Internet treatment for social phobia reduces comorbidity. Titov N, Gibson M, Andrews G, McEvoy P. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 43:754-9.

Available at:

An RCT comparing effect of two types of support on severity of symptoms for people completing Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for social phobia. Titov N, Andrews G, Schwencke G, Solley K, Johnston L, Robinson E. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 43:10,920 — 926.

Available at:

Randomized controlled trial of web-based treatment of social phobia without clinician guidance. Titov N, Andrews G, Choi I, Schwencke G, Johnston L. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 43:913 — 919.

Available at:

The Shyness Program: Longer Term Benefits, Cost-Effectiveness, and Acceptability. Titov, N., G. Andrews, et al. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 43: 36-44.

Available at:

Shyness 5: The clinical effectiveness of Internet-based clinician-assisted treatment of social phobia. Aydos L R, Titov N, Andrews G. Australasian Psychiatry 2009; 17:488-492.

Available at:

Shyness 3: An RCT of guided vs unguided internet based CBT for social phobia. Titov N, Andrews G, Choi I, Schwencke G, Mahoney A. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 42:1030-1040.

Available at:

Shyness 2: Treating social phobia online: replication and extension. Titov N, Andrews G, Schwencke G. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 42:595-605.

Available at:

Shyness 1: Distance treatment for social over the Internet. A randomized controlled trial. Titov N, Andrews G, Schwencke G, Drobny J, Einstein D. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 42:585-594.

Available at:


Characteristics of adults with anxiety or depression treated at an Internet clinic: Comparison with a national survey and an outpatient clinic. Titov N, Andrews G, Kemp A, Robinson E. PLoS ONE 2010, 5(5): e10885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010885.

Available at:

COVID-19 related differences in the uptake and effects of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Li, I., Millard, M., Haskelberg, H., Hobbs, M., Luu, J., & Mahoney, A. (2022).  Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy50(2), 219-236.

Available at:

Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for treating symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder in routine care. Luu, J., Millard, M., Newby, J., Haskelberg, H., Hobbs, M. J., & Mahoney, A. E. (2020).  Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders26, 100561.

Available at:

Grisham JR, Williams AD. Responding to intrusions in obsessive-compulsive disorder: The roles of neuropsychological functioning and beliefs about thoughts. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 2013; 44: 343-350.

Available at:

Mahoney A, Andrews G. Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for obsessive compulsive dsorder. In: Crowe E, O’Dell AR, editors. Obessive-Compulsive Disorder: Symptoms, Prevalence and Psychological Treatments: Nova; 2014.

Mahoney AEJ, Mackenzie A, Williams AD, Smith J, Andrews G. Internet cognitive behavioural treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder: A randomised controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2014; 63: 99-106.

Available at:

The uptake and effectiveness of a multidisciplinary online program for managing chronic pain before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Shiner, C. T., Gardner, T., Haskelberg, H., Li, I., Faux, S. G., Millard, M., & Mahoney, A. E. (2022).  Pain Medicine.

Available at:

The Effect of Adjunct Telephone Support on Adherence and Outcomes of the Reboot Online Pain Management Program: Randomized Controlled Trial. Gardner, T., Schultz, R., Haskelberg, H., Newby, J. M., Wheatley, J., Millard, M., … & Shiner, C. T. (2022).  Journal of Medical Internet Research24(2), e30880.

Available at:

Derek Z Lim, BMed, MD, Jill M Newby, PhD, Tania Gardner, PhD, Hila Haskelberg, PhD, Regina Schultz, PhD, Steven G Faux, MBBS, FRACGP, FAFRM(RACP), FFPMANZCA, Christine T Shiner, PhD, Evaluating Real-World Adherence and Effectiveness of the “Reboot Online” Program for the Management of Chronic Pain in Routine Care, Pain Medicine, 2021;, pnaa458.

Available at:

Schultz R, Newby JM, Gardner T, Shiner CT, Andrews G, Faux SG. Pilot Trial of the Reboot Online Program: An Internet-Delivered, Multidisciplinary Pain Management Program for Chronic Pain. Pain Research and Management. 2018;1.

Available at:

Smith J, Faux SG, Gardner T, Hobbs MJ, ames MA, JJoubert AE, Kladnitski N, Newby JM, Schultz R, Shiner CT, Andrews G. Reboot Online: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing an Online Multidisciplinary Pain Management Program with Usual Care for Chronic Pain. Pain Medicine. 2019; 20(12): 2385-2396.

Available at:

Mason, E. C., Grierson, A. B., Sie, A., Sharrock, M. J., Li, I., Chen, A. Z., & Newby, J. M. (2022). Co-occurring insomnia and anxiety: A randomized controlled trial of internet CBT for insomnia vs. internet CBT for anxiety. Sleep.

Available at:

The uptake and outcomes of an online self-help mindfulness programme during COVID-19. Li, I., Chen, A. Z., Newby, J. M., Kladnitski, N., Haskelberg, H., Millard, M., & Mahoney, A. (2022).  Clinical Psychologist, 1-14.

Available at:

Kladnitski, N., Smith, J., Uppal, S., James, M., Allen, A., Andrews, G., & Newby, J.M. (2020). Transdiagnostic Internet-Delivered CBT and Mindfulness-Based Treatment for Depression and Anxiety: a Randomised Controlled Trial. Internet Interventions, 20, 1-14

Available at: 

Kladnitski, N., Smith, J., Allen, A., Andrews, G., & Newby, J.M. (2018). Online Mindfulness-Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety and Depression: Outcomes of a Pilot Trial. Internet Interventions, 13, 41-50.

Available at: 

Allen, A. R., Smith, J., Hobbs, M. J., Loughnan, S. A., Sharrock, M., Newby, J. M., … & Mahoney, A. E. (2022). Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: a randomised controlled trial and outcomes in routine care. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 1-7.

Available at: